Hi, I’m Lacey Nedjelski

I am so grateful you have stumbled upon my website. Whether you are looking for belly support, pelvic care or connection - I am grateful you have come across my page!

Growing up I had no idea what I would do as an adult. I did not attend university, instead I got married and had children and started dabbling into things that lit me up. I had a home birth with my third baby and this shifted everything for me. I was lucky to have the midwifery team I did, they took such good care of me and we were so aligned in many ways. I was encouraged to start doula training and dove head first into supporting women and their families.

It was not long before I knew that this was my heart work, the thing that really made me feel alive. I spent countless hours reading books and studies, taking further education and creating classes for my clients. I went out to Golden, British Columbia to take a child birth education class to bring back - and my life trajectory changed once again. I still had the fire lit for birth - but to also sit in circle with women and hold space in a different way - changed it all for me.

I ran pregnancy circles for a couple of years and then decided that not only was this beneficial for pregnancy but it was great for all women! There is nothing like sitting in a space where you can show up just as you are, lay it all out on the line and be held and loved simply for being who you are. No judgment. No shame. Just love and deep resonance for you and your experience. This is medicine.

I dealt with some health issues back in 2016 after having a c-section the year before. My body became a space that I did not recognize, nor did I appreciate and love like I wanted to. I did my best to seek out alternative ways to heal my body in conjunction with allopathic medicine. Along this journey I was able to work with one of the leading women in pelvic health and once again, a new fire was lit within and I began to learn all I could about my body, women’s bodies, pelvic health, natural health, ways to get my body healing after five babies and over a decade of breastfeeding. It was a long journey, and I would be lying if I said that journey was complete. But that is the beauty of life, isn’t it? To weave our way through life and all it has to offer us, to go to the depths of our own darkness to find those nuggets of gold and resurface better than we were before.

I was very lucky to have taken an Integrative Pelvic Care course with Martin Beaudoin where I learned a solid foundation for the work I do. In this class I found something inside of me that was waiting to emerge. My whole life has brought me to this time, and I am so fortunate to do the work that I do. These last few months I have taken my studying to a whole new level and am studying with Carly Rae and Andrea Terrones with Ma School. This new learning avenue has taken my practice to a whole new level and I am so excited to incorporate all I am learning with my community. With each avenue that I work, there’s so many layers that overlap and make me the loving, supportive, care giver that I am. Though I am no longer showing up for births, I am showing up for women in support of their bodies. I am moving my practice home to Rosetown, but if you are looking for support, I would love to chat with you! Thank you for being here, if your heart feels called to it, I hope I get to meet you soon!

All my love,


I have had the priviledge to be taught by some really amazing teacher along my path.

A few notable mentions include:

  • Carly Rae + Andrea Terrones - Ma School Womb Continuum Practitioner Training

  • Martin Beaudoin - Integrative Pelvic Care

  • Whapio - Holistic Doula and Quantum Midwifery

  • Carla Hartly - Ancient Arts Midwifery